When you arrive at Tony Thwaites Wing, you will be required to inform us whether or not you have health insurance. After charges for all services are accounted for, the Wing will generate a billing statement and submit this statement along with all claims forms to your insurance provider.
Depending on your health insurance coverage, you may be personally responsible for payment for hospital services and for services provided by your doctor or other health care providers. Please contact your health plan to confirm benefit coverage, deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance and other plan provisions that may impact your personal responsibility for payment.
You will be responsible for payment of any amounts not covered by your health plan. Please contact your health insurance company to verify if the hospital or other health care providers who will be treating you are on plan’s approved list of providers.
If you are uninsured, you are responsible for the total amount of the cost of hospitalisation listed on the final bill sent to you.
Patient complaints If you have questions or concerns about hospital charges for services or care received at the hospital, please call the Patient Affairs Manager at 876-977-0309 or e-mail patientaffairs@ttwing.com for assistance.
For more information please contact the Tony Thwaites Wing Admissions Office at: 876-977-0309, 876-977-0317, 876-977-2607. Fax: 876-977-0094; or email us at admissions@ttwing.com