7 ways to protect yourself online when social media is harming your self-esteem

Social media can help us feel more connected to our friends, even when we’re far away. But, for many of us, the culture of of […]

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How Blue Light From Your Phone May Be Hurting Your Eyes

Is your computer or phone use hurting your eyes? Here are the symptoms of eye strain and tips for cutting down on your exposure […]

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Almost 30% of People In the World Are Obese or Overweight

The global obesity epidemic continues, and a new report shows that about two billion people worldwide are overweight or obese. That’s about 30% of the […]

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Eczema cure a step Closer

Scientists have come a step closer to developing a cure for eczema after discovering how a deficiency in the skin’s natural barrier can trigger the […]

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What Happens During an Asthma Attack

Having an asthma attack can be a bit scary. As airways narrow in response to asthma triggers (be it pollen, secondhand smoke, or cat dander), […]

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Exercise Makes You Younger at the Cellular Level

The more exercise people get, the less their cells appear to age. In a new study in Preventive Medicine, people who exercised the most had […]

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9 Things You May Not Know About Autism

How much do you really know about autism spectrum disorders? Get the facts on symptoms, treatment options, and more.
Facts about autism
More than 3.5 million adults […]

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Long-term stress might make you fat, study says

Could constant stress be making you fat? To find out, English researchers compared stress levels and body weight of more than 2,500 men and women […]

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Detecting skin cancer with computer vision

When the term “Artificial Intelligence” gets thrown around, images are immediately conjured of fire-spewing killer robots playing chess against a post-apocalyptic backdrop. And when they […]

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This Is Why You Get Sick After Stress

During stressful moments, our bodies are designed to gear up and go into defense mode. Levels of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol rise, your […]

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